Celebration Picasso 1973-2023

Celebration Picasso 1973-2023

01 January - 31 December 2023

The celebration in 2023 of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso has given rise to an ambitious commemorative programme with an important international dimension, with exhibitions in numerous museums throughout Spain, including the Prado, Reina Sofía, Thyssen-Bornemisza, Picasso de Málaga, Guggenheim in Bilbao, and Picasso in Barcelona and audiovisual productions that bring his work closer to today's audiences.  

The Picasso 1973-2023 celebration is structured around some forty exhibitions and events that are held mainly in Europe and North America. It is also an opportunity to develop a historiographical study of the approaches to Picasso's work. To coordinate the celebration, the French and Spanish authorities, in response to the commitment agreed at the XXVI Franco-Spanish Summit in Montauban (March 15, 2021), have created a specific bilateral Commission, made up of representatives of the Ministries of Culture and Foreign Affairs of both countries and by qualified personalities: Cécile Debray, the President of the National Picasso Museum in Paris, Bernard Ruiz-Picaso, the President of the Almine Foundation and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso for Art, Coordinator of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023 for France, and Carlos Alberdi, coordinator of the Picasso Celebration for Spain.  

This binational commission intends to reflect through the extensive program the figure of Picasso as a universal and pro-European artist, who embodies the founding principles of Europe, made up of democratic states, defenders of human rights and freedom of expression. His work, Guernica, has become the greatest anti-war symbol in our modern history at an international level. 

The programme is organized by the Spanish National Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso, the Musée National Picasso-Paris, Acción Cultural Española, and with the support of Telefónica in Spain.


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#PicassoCelebration #CelebraciónPicasso

*Caption: Pablo Picasso, “The acrobat”, 1930, oil on canvas, 162 x 130 cm, MP120, Musée national Picasso-Paris © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) / Adrien Didierjean © Succession Picasso 2022

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Picasso 1906. The great transformation
Heritage / History

Picasso 1906. The great transformation

15 November 2023 - 04 March 2024

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía | MNCARS (Madrid, Spain)

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía is organizing the exhibition "Picasso 1906. The Great Transformation", between November 15, 2023 and March 4, 2024.The exhibition, which has the important collaboration of the Musée Picasso Paris, wants to look, from the contemporary aesthetic conscience, at the first
Heritage / History


19 October 2023 - 25 February 2024

Fundación Joan Miró (Barcelona, Spain)

Coinciding with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso and the 40th anniversary of that of Joan Miró, the Fundació Joan Miró and the Museu Picasso de Barcelona are preparing the Miró-Picasso exhibition, which can be seen in Barcelona simultaneously at both venues, between October 19, 2023 and February 25, 2024, and which is part
Picasso. The sacred and the profane
Heritage / History

Picasso. The sacred and the profane

04 October 2023 - 14 January 2024

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid, Spain)

Pablo Picasso's incorruptible desire to permanently reinvent his art, to push it beyond the limits of his time, materialized not only in his spirit of rupture and innovation, but also in his desire to devour and reinterpret the works of the past. Picasso. The Sacred and the Profane” studies the audacity and originality with which the artist approached both the
The Echo of Picasso
Heritage / History

The Echo of Picasso

03 October 2023 - 31 March 2024

Museo Picasso Málaga (Málaga, Spain)

Pablo Picasso had an enormous influence on the art of the 20th century, working in a remarkable variety of styles. In addition to Cubism, his principal contribution to modern art was the freedom that characterises every aspect of his painting, sculpture and graphic production.There is widespread agreement on the profound impact that he had on the art world, allowing it
Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body
Heritage / History

Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body

29 September 2023 - 14 January 2024

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (Bilbao, Spain)

“Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body” is the first major exhibition in Spain devoted to this facet of Picasso’s work. The selection of pieces is intended to underline the central role played by the representation of the human body, taken as both a whole and as a fragment, in the Málaga-born artist’s œuvre. Like the rest of his artistic production, Picasso’s sculptures
Picasso's will. The ceramics that inspired the artist
Heritage / History

Picasso's will. The ceramics that inspired the artist

30 June - 17 September 2023

Museu del Disseny de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)

This admiration, and the meeting with Lluís Maria Llubià, led to Picasso's donation of 16 ceramic works to the Barcelona Art Museums. These ceramics are currently part of the collections of the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona. Picasso placed a single condition on the donation: that "they be exhibited together with an important collection owned by said museums" (donation document
The ages of Paul
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The ages of Paul

23 June - 01 October 2023

Museo Casa Natal Picasso (Málaga, Spain)

With works from the Museo Casa Natal Picasso and from other institutional and private collections in Spain, the exhibition offers a chronological and stylistic journey through Picasso's work according to the stages that marked his life, from his formative years to those spent in the company of Jacqueline Roque: paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics and photographs serve to give the image
Picasso, El Greco and Analytical Cubism
Heritage / History

Picasso, El Greco and Analytical Cubism

13 June - 17 September 2023

Museo Nacional del Prado (Madrid, Spain)

As part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death, the Museo del Prado will show a selection of works by the author from Malaga together with the work of El Greco in an exhibition curated by Carmen Giménez. In the work of Picasso, who appears as a copyist in the records of this museum, the influence of
Picasso: Untitled
Heritage / History

Picasso: Untitled

19 May 2023 - 07 January 2024

La Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain)

The exhibition Picasso: Untitled presents 50 works from the artist's last period (1963-73) —his most prolific period, closest to our time and, probably, the most unknown— ranging from ceramics, engraving or drawing , going through large-format paintings. 50 contemporary artists propose new readings on them.The fifty works by Picasso contained in the exhibition and in the homonymous catalog that accompanies
Picasso, also on screen

Picasso, also on screen

02 April - 27 April 2023

Cine Doré (Madrid, Spain)

The Doré cinema, official headquarters of the Spanish Film Library, and its online channels host this film series organized in collaboration with the University Institute of Spanish Cinema of the Carlos III University. The selection of films covers the presence or representation of the figure of Pablo Picasso in art cinema; the audiovisual representations of Picasso, both in documentaries and
White Picasso in the blue memory. Drawing the future
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

White Picasso in the blue memory. Drawing the future

23 March - 25 June 2023

Museo de Belas Artes da Coruña (La Coruña, Spain)

Picasso began his academic training and assumed his status as an artist in A Coruña, where he lived between 1891 and 1895. He himself considered that his childhood and early adolescence had been crucial to becoming what he was. These years were exhaustively studied in the exhibition “The first Picasso. A Coruña 2015 ”, in which all of his production
Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler
Heritage / History

Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler

02 December 2022 - 19 March 2023

Museu Picasso de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)

 Dealer, gallery owner, biographer and friend of Picasso, Daniel‐Henry Kahnweiler  (Mannheim, 1884 ‐ Paris, 1979) was a transcendental figure in Picasso's artistic career, whom he met in 1907, a crucial year for both of them.Kahnweiler would become the great dealer of Cubist artists such as Georges Braque and Juan Gris, and one of the most active figures in promoting and
Congress 'Picasso from cultural studies. Dream and lie of Spain' (1898-1922)
Heritage / History

Congress 'Picasso from cultural studies. Dream and lie of Spain' (1898-1922)

01 December - 02 December 2022

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía | MNCARS (Madrid, Spain)

This international congress is the first activity to be carried out within the framework of the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso in 2023. The title of the congress alludes to the famous graphic work of the artist Sueño y lie de Franco (1937), and investigates, from the field of cultural studies, Picasso's relationship with
Heritage / History


11 October 2022 - 15 January 2023

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid, Spain)

Pablo Picasso and Gabrielle Chanel collaborated professionally on two occasions, both with Jean Cocteau: on Antigone (1922) and on Sergei Diaghilev's Russian ballet Le Train Bleu (1924). They met around the spring of 1917, probably through Cocteau himself or Misia Sert. The designer established a long and lasting friendship with both that would introduce her to the circle of the
Julio González, Pablo Picasso and the dematerialization of sculpture
Heritage / History

Julio González, Pablo Picasso and the dematerialization of sculpture

23 September 2022 - 08 January 2023

Fundación Mapfre

Traditionally, the joint work between Pablo Picasso and Julio González has been considered by art historiography as the moment in which the "invention" of iron sculpture occurs and, therefore, the introduction of abstraction in the territory. sculptural However, and for the first time, this exhibition considers how this event, one of the fundamental milestones in international art of the 20th
Activity Report of "The Picasso Celebration 1973-2023"

Activity Report of "The Picasso Celebration 1973-2023"

  • Type: Reports

The Activity Report of "The Picasso Celebration 1973-2023" is a document that compiles in detail all the activities that have been carried out within the framework of the commemoration. This document is available in digital format on the website of Acción Cultural Española.

The Picasso Celebration 1973-2023 was a joint initiative by Spain and France to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso. The official program included 46 national and international exhibitions, which were visited by more than 6 million people.


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