Contact reading. Poetics and experimentation in Spain. 1962-1972

Contact reading. Poetics and experimentation in Spain. 1962-1972

The Spain of the 1960s, marked by the apparent stability of Francoism, harboured a cauldron of ideas and artistic expressions that defied established boundaries. The exhibition "Reading by contact. Poetics and experimentation in Spain. 1962-1972" immerses us in a universe of experimentation where language is freed from its conventional bonds to become a vehicle of social and political transformation. Through more than a hundred works, the exhibition, organized by AC/E and the Ministry of Culture as part of Spain’s Guest of Honor at the FIL 2024, invites us to explore how a group of visionary artists used writing, poetry and other artistic disciplines to challenge the status quo and build a freer and more creative future.

From works by authors such as Julio Campal, Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Elena Asins, Julio Plaza, among others, or constituted in groups such as Problematica 63, group N:O., Zaj, the tour invites you to learn works that play with the plasticity of language to provoke unconstrained conceptions of reading, making all the arts coexist around poetry and, above all, reducing the distances between author and spectator. Marked by the historical events mentioned, which tell us of an escalation in the confrontation of civil society against the government, this exhibition also gives an account of the political caress that is taking in Spain this experimental writing and, in general, the arts according to about the death of the dictator. The sample covers, in short, a decade in which writing functioned in Spain as a vector for play, encounter, urban tour, music, the generation of new forms and, above all, public action, poetic and policy.

Lectura por contacto. Poética y experimentación en España 1962–1972 (eBook)

Lectura por contacto. Poética y experimentación en España 1962–1972 (eBook)

  • Type: Exhibition catalogue

Ese catálogo que acompañó a una exposición con el mismo nombre sumerge al espectador en un viaje por una década crucial para el arte español: los años 60. Un período en el que la escritura trascendió los límites del papel para convertirse en un elemento catalizador de experimentación y transformación.

A través de obras de artistas como Julio Campal, Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Elena Asins y muchos otros, la publicación revela cómo la poesía, el libro y la escritura se fusionaron con otros medios como la pintura, la música y la performance, dando lugar a un arte vivo, dinámico y profundamente comprometido con su entorno. 

- Manuel J. Borja-Villel, Lectura por contacto
- Irene Valle Corpas, Palabras frágiles, poéticas sin tregua: la escritura desbordada en España 
- Arantxa Romero González, Manos de lenguaje 
- Rosa Benéitez Andrés, La poética experimental y otros lenguajes desquiciados 
- Henar Rivière, La mosca estuvo aquí. Escrituras de la escucha zaj 
Ilustraciones de obras en la exposición



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