Commemoration of the Third Centenary of Sebastián Durón at Cambo-les-Bains 2016

Commemoration of the Third Centenary of Sebastián Durón at Cambo-les-Bains 2016

The event, organised by Cambo-les-Bains council, will be held in the presence of a guest delegation from Brihuega, the musician’s hometown. It will include a grand opening concert by the Spanish group Harmonía del Parnàs, lectures by prominent people with musical illustrations, an exhibition, a parade in period costume, and educational activities at schools. A plaque on the house where S. Durón died will be unveiled and a street will be named after him.

To mark the third centenary of the death of Sebastián Durón – whose mortal remains rest in the parish church – in Cambo-les-Bains, the town council is paying international tribute to this composer, who held the highest musical posts at the Madrid court, particularly as chapel master, and continued to compose while in exile in Cambo.

The young Spanish group Harmonia del Parnàs, directed by Marian Rosa Montagut, have attained a high artistic and scientific standard in recovering Spain’s baroque music heritage. They will perform a concert of opera music composed by Durón and some of his contemporaries such as Literes and Corradini for French audiences.  Harmonía del Parnàs will perform with a group of 7 musicians and a female singer. The opening concert will take place in the church where Durón is buried.
Two eminent Spanish musicologists are also taking part in the event to present the composer and his work: Professor Lolo, who has carried out extensive research on his work and role as chapel master at the palace; and Professor Siemens, who recently discovered a totally unpublished zarzuela written by the Spanish maestro during his final years in Cambo.

Representatives from the council of Brihuega, Durón’s hometown, will be the guests of honour throughout this event, which also involves the unveiling of a plaque on the façade of the house where the composer died, the naming of a street after him, the opening of an exhibition, a procession in period costume and educational music sessions at local schools. 




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