Barbieri. Music, Fire and Diamonds

Barbieri. Music, Fire and Diamonds

 Francisco Asenjo Barbieri (Madrid, 3 August 1823–19 February1894) was a Spanish composer and musicologist, who mainly wrote zarzuelas (musical comedies). Considered the father of zarzuela and a forerunner of Spanish musical language, Barbieri is hailed as the creator of genuinely Spanish musical plays.  He wrote some sixty zarzuelas. Some are highly ingenious and imbued with a folk spirit, such as "Jugar con fuego" (Playing with fire, 1851), "Los diamantes de la corona" (The crown diamonds, 1854), "Pan y toros" (Bread and bullfight, 1864) and "El barberillo de Lavapiés" (The little barber of Lavapiés, 1874).

The exhibition surveys the life of this great composer as a reflection of the twentieth century. Five sections analyse his work as a lyrical composer and his major research into the history of music: The man; The struggle for a Spanish lyric theatre; The height of creativity; The activist, agent and ideologist; and Barbieri and the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
Barbieri composed more than 60 zarzuelas, some of which are still among the most popular contributions to this genre. Barbieri steeped them in the essence of Spanish folk music, changing the course of Spanish lyric theatre, which was then almost inundated with foreign features. 

His work as a researcher and bibliophile was equally or even more important. He assembled the largest musical library in Spain and an impressive collection of information and documents, all of which were bequeathed to the Biblioteca Nacional de España. His most important publication, "Cancionero Musical de los Siglos XV y XVI" (Musical anthology of the 15th and 16th centuries), contains transcriptions of 459 manuscripts from the Library of the Royal Palace and detailed biographical annotations.

Barbieri founded the newspaper La España Musical. Later, in 1847, together with Arrieta and Gaztambide, he established a society to create a zarzuela theatre, which opened on 10 October 1856 as the Teatro de la Zarzuela. And in 1859 he founded a concert orchestra. In 1882 he became a member of the Spanish Royal Academy, the first musician to receive this honour. 

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About Barbieri's exhibition
About Barbieri's exhibition
Barbieri. Música, fuego y diamantes (Ebook)

Barbieri. Música, fuego y diamantes (Ebook)

  • Type: Exhibition catalogue
This catalogue includes texts by Emilio Casares Rodicio, María Encina Cortizo, Isabelle Porto San Martín and José Carlos Gosálvez Lara to survey the life of this great composer as a reflection of the twentieth century. It analyses his work as a lyrical composer and his major research into the history of music.

"...Barbieri fue ante todo músico. Un compositor considerado por la musicología como uno de los más destacados de nuestra historia. Pero Barbieri es inentendible sin el segundo término, nación. Ya Adolfo Salazar aludió a esta realidad, cuando al referirse a las cualidades que definían su obra habló del «instinto patriótico» de Barbieri. Es cierto que ambos aspectos se retroalimentan, pero el segundo da sentido a su obra y nos permite descubrir la rica y compleja personalidad del compositor madrileño y la transcendencia de una obra dedicada a forjar los valores identitarios de la música española.

Es cierto que Barbieri dejó más de ciento treinta obras –de ellas setenta y seis líricas–, pero también lo es que probablemente dedicó más horas de su vida a defender e impulsar la música hispana que a la propia composición. El subtítulo de esta exposición, «música, fuego y diamantes», quiere simbolizar a su música que lo genera todo, y a dos realidades que acompañan su creación: el «fuego», sustantivo que empleó en su primera gran obra, Jugar con fuego, y símbolo de esa fuerza con la que Barbieri quiso poner en acción a su amada España, y los «diamantes», que son esas obras magistrales que nos fue dejando, que lo situaron en el Olimpo de los inmortales, y su gran legado a la Biblioteca Nacional. (...)"



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