AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2024 | International analysis on the use of minority languages in digital culture

AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2024 | International analysis on the use of minority languages in digital culture

Digital transformation is an increasingly urgent need for all social sectors and the cultural sector could not remain unaware of it. Since its first edition in 2013, the AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report contributes to this process by providing tools that allow one to orient oneself in its many possibilities, but also reflections so as not to become disoriented in its many chiaroscuros.

In this tenth edition, the Focus that occupies the second part focuses on the current situation of the use of minority languages in the field of digital culture. To do this, it analyzes in detail the sociocultural and political context in which the use of minority languages is inserted in the digital age, as well as the existing regulations at the international, national and regional level for the protection and promotion of minority languages. After evaluating the presence of minority languages on the Internet, including websites, social networks, mobile applications and other digital resources, it analyzes the use of minority languages in different cultural industries, such as music, cinema, literature and video games and in parallel presents examples of good practices in the use of minority languages in digital culture.

This report is accompanied by a set of texts that explore exciting and sometimes unexpected aspects of the digital world linked to culture, such as transhumanism whose historical roots, worldview and action program analyzes Alfredo Marcos, or the technology of deepfakes and its impact on the human voice that Eugenia San Segundo Fernández deals with. Mauro Canut reflects on the consequences of artificial intelligence in the music industry. Mariana Toro Nader does so in the field of digital archaeology, defining its objectives, methods and applications, as well as the challenges that archeology faces in the digital age and the opportunities offered by new technologies for the preservation and study of cultural heritage. Michael McLoughlin defends the status of video games as cultural and artistic products. Chema Galante analyzes the importance of digital literacy in today's world, a key competence for the 21st century. Bibiana Ricciardi explores the rise of the podcast as a new medium for cultural dissemination. And, finally, Maite Ortega exposes the evolution of collage as an artistic technique from its origins to the present, with a particular focus on its development in the digital age.

The yearbooks are published in Spanish and English, in PDF and EPUB formats, and with free download under a Creative Commons license both on the Acción Cultural Española website, in the digital publications section, and in the main national digital book distributors. and international.

AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2024 (eBook)

AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2024 (eBook)

  • Type: Reports

(Ebook available from 28 May 2024)
In this tenth edition of the Yearbook, the Focus that occupies the second part focuses on the current situation of the use of minority languages in the field of digital culture. To do this, it analyzes in detail the sociocultural and political context in which the use of minority languages is inserted in the digital age, as well as the existing regulations at the international, national and regional level for the protection and promotion of minority languages. After evaluating the presence of minority languages on the Internet, including websites, social networks, mobile applications and other digital resources, it analyzes the use of minority languages in different cultural industries, such as music, cinema, literature and video games and in parallel presents examples of good practices in the use of minority languages in digital culture.

This report is accompanied by a set of texts that explore exciting and sometimes unexpected aspects of the digital world linked to culture, such as transhumanism whose historical roots, worldview and action program Alfredo Marcos analyzes, or the technology of deepfakes and its impact on the human voice that Eugenia San Segundo Fernández deals with. Mauro Canut reflects on the consequences of artificial intelligence in the music industry. Mariana Toro Nader does so in the field of digital archaeology, defining its objectives, methods and applications, as well as the challenges that archeology faces in the digital age and the opportunities offered by new technologies for the preservation and study of cultural heritage. . Michael McLoughlin defends the status of video games as cultural and artistic products. Chema Galante analyzes the importance of digital literacy in today's world, a key competence for the 21st century. Bibiana Ricciardi explores the rise of the podcast as a new medium for cultural dissemination. And finally, Maite Ortega exposes the evolution of collage as an artistic technique from its origins to the present day, with a particular focus on its development in the digital age.

 (See all  REPORTS.

Transhumanism and culture. A hermeneutics for the cyborg
Alfredo Marcos

Delving deeper into deepfakes: what makes a voice human?
Eugenia San Segundo Fernández

The impact of artificial intelligence on music consumption: uniformity, homogenization and the decline of musical diversity
Mauro Canut

Digital archaeology: in search of the lost archive
Mariana Toro Nader

Video games are culture. X-ray of the debate that should never have existed
Michael McLoughlin

Present uses and future proposals of technological incubators for cultural industries
Chema Galante

The podcast as a cultural communication tool
Bibiana Ricciardi

Cutouts and pixels: the evolution of collage in the digital age
Maite Ortega




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