Page 24 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
P. 24

RESULTS 201524/FILMAnA AMIGoShe has been working in cinema for thirty years both for major corporations —such as Prisa-Sogecable and Warner Bros— and independently throughher own production company Amigo Films. She has held posts at Sogepaq and Sogecine and also set up Warner Bros’ local production division. She has worked in  lms with directors suchas Walter Salles, Isabel Coixet, Julio Médem, Benito Zambrano, Agustín Díaz Yanes, Imanol Uribe, Montxo Armendáriz, Manuel Gómez Pereira, Chapero-Jackson, Emilio Martínez Lázaro and Alejandro Amenábar.She was European consultant forthe Media II programme and forthe ‘Ateliers du Cinema Européen’ programme, as well as serving on the expert committees of ICAA (Spain) and CNACC (Colombia) aimed at obtaining production grants. She has served as member of the jury bothfor the Ondas Awards and for the Ministry of Culture’s National Cinema Awards. Since 2012, she has been serving on the governing board of the Spanish Film Academy (Academia de Cine de España).MAnUEL PéREz ESTREMERA(Madrid, 1944)He started out in  lm magazines, such as Film Ideal and Nuestro Cine, and later formed part of the creative team for the magazine Cuadernos para el Diálogo. He then collaborated with theatre magazines, such as Primer Acto and worked on the theatre book compilation for Cuadernos para el Diálogo. He has worked closely with TVE since the 1970s, participatingin numerous series and other programmes. He was director ofFila, a weekly  lm programme, and was also deputy director for External Production (1987-1992). He has held di erent executive positions in the Segecable group and has served as director of the San Sebastián Film Festival for two seasons, forming part of its steering committee until 1997.

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