Page 22 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 201522/PERFoRMInG ARTSJoSé GAbRIEL AnTUñAnoJosé Gabriel López Antuñano, holdsa PhD in Romance Philology andis a journalist, ordinary professor of Dramaturgy and  eatre Science in the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Castilla y León, lecturer and principal of the University Mastersin Advanced  eatre Studies at the International University of Rioja and lecturer for the University Masters Course in  eatre and Performing Arts at Madrid’s Universidad Complutense. He contributes scienti c articles and essays on theatre for a number of magazines specialising in performing arts. He is also a consultant at the theater international festivals. As dramaturge, he has worked for theatres in Estonia and Poland -La Dama Boba (Wit’s End), La Vida es Sueño (LifeIs a Dream) and ¡Ay Carmela! - and, for Spain’s Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, Henry VIII y la Cisma de Inglaterra ( e Schism in England), by Calderón and Lágrimas sobre el Viento (Tears on the Wind), which includes writings from León Felipe.báRbARA RUbERTBàrbara Raubert graduated in the History of Art and in Journalism. She has been writing as a dance critic for ten years in Avui / El Punt as wellas collaborating with a number or magazines (D Danza, Susy Q, Escuela Catalana, Papeles de Arte, among others). Bárbara coordinates thedance magazine Re exiones en torno a la Danza (Re ections on Dance), 2003 a 2011, published by Mercatde les Flors. She is co-curator of the exhibition “Artes del Movimiento.La Danza en Cataluña de 1966 a 2012” (“Arts and Movement. Dance in Catalonia 1966-2012”). Parallel to all this, she work provides video and press-support services in di erent  elds.

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