Page 100 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
P. 100

100The following equipment was used in the experiment.• Biometric ring: a wearable wireless measur- ing system equipped with biomedical sensors to measure electrodermal activity, the pulse volume and rate. It is also a Wi-Fi device that allows multiple participants to be monitored simultaneously.• Analysis Software: professional design and execution software that synchronizes the biometric devices – the rings and headbands.Experiment protocolThe participants know they are going to be evaluated as part of an experiment without being told what the results might demonstrate – they can  nd out at the end of the study if they wish. The participants are told to act as naturally as possible during the visit.In a series of charts, we analyze the exhibition space as a whole and the attention and activa- tion hot spots with the aim of gaining a global vision of the level of activation the two target exhibition rooms produce.Experiment protocol requires there to be two separate studies that can later be compared – the  rst in a controlled environment and the second in the ‘natural’ exhibition space.• EEG headband: a wearable and wireless measuring system equipped with dry elec- troencephalography sensors to measure brain activity. It’s also a Wi-Fi device that allows multiple participants to be monitored simultaneously.WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE · XIMO LIZANA

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