Page 98 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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98Javier Minguez Zafra and Maria Lopez-Valdes, both engineering pioneers at a European level in the  eld of neuroscience and neuromarketing. The partnership between their two companies produced neuroculture.The support of the Caixa’s social project was fundamental in turning neuroculture from an idea into a reality – a project that with pioneer- ing global vision.Neuroculture converts emotions and biometrics into comprehensible data.It’s an ecological process in which the spectator moves completely freely and unconditionally around the exhibition space. The ensuing data is compared with the data obtained in the labo- ratory in a controlled environment, producing a series of readings that are interpreted by engi- neers, psychologists and specialists in the  eld.The result is a detailed summary of speci c issues that de ne the primary perception of the exhibition, including the staging of it and its convenience in terms of its narrative and emo- tional aspects with regards to the chronology of the elements on show.Neuroculture evaluates the emotional engagement and visual attention produced by the combined works of art on display and evaluates the emotional and biological impact it has on spectators.The infallible surveyThe objective of the current project is to evalu- ate the emotional engagement and visual atten- tion produced by the combined works of art on display and the exhibition in general. It also aims to evaluate the emotional and biological impact it has on spectators.Equipping curators to work with surgical precisionNeuroculture o ers curators the chance to raise their game.Presented with answers on concrete issues, curators will be in possession of the information needed to create a perfect balance between emotion, knowledge and precision, allowing them to create combinations of elements that mutually reinforce each other as well as taking out elements that don’t work and replacing them with elements that do.Neuroculture allows attention levels to be measured and formats to be sought that connect at a multigenerational level. It tells us which supports reinforce the content of the exhibition, capture the attention and establish a two-way relationship with the spectator.The system is a landmark in the measurement of emotion, which facilitates a global vision for cultural activity in an exhibition space.When it comes to strategy consolidation, neuro- culture can base its evaluation of the success of an exhibition on more than mere visitor numbers.Art is emotion and by measuring the emotion with data that can be evaluated, analyzed and easily understood, we are basing our evaluation of the impact of the art on real criteria. This in turn enables us to defend the social e ect of the activity scienti cally.E cient use of resourcesBy deducing the success or failure of a cultural product, we are able to take accurate decisions when it comes to the employment of resources, putting the accent on elements that will gener- ate more emotion in the visitor.“...useless e ort leads to melancholy...” Ortega y GassetWHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE · XIMO LIZANASmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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