Invited artist Fernando García-Dory will focus on the agrarian question in Japan and Maebashi area in face of upcoming neo-liberal trade agreements. Activating a program of talks and actions based in existing working lines of Arts Maebashi, proposes a temporary "re-hydrating restaurant" for intergeneration mutual support, reviving local traditional crafts and culinary arts and to evoke alternative models of development in transition to sustainability, Conversations with gardeners, farmers, and different local actors will serve as research basis on local drying food and preservation techniques, related with native seasonal dry winds, named karakazu . Workshops and lectures will be organised , bringing together a broad overview about global agricultural systems, different agri-food models, neo-liberal farming policies and food sovereignity, involving local farmers and households also as to guide and prepare the recipes that will conform Wind Dinning menu.
Paralell to it , an invitation to Mebashi young creatives , artists and designers is launched to work with silk craftmen in the design of the visual identity of Wind Dinning restaurant. Rethinking ancient silk works , new materials will be tested to decorate the place, mats , napkins, menus etc The restaurant will be open to Maebashi citizens, where they can see workshop participants presenting their design works, some concluding farming perspectives and the global context, and live interview some farmer-teacher about the recipes served.
Paralell to it , an invitation to Mebashi young creatives , artists and designers is launched to work with silk craftmen in the design of the visual identity of Wind Dinning restaurant. Rethinking ancient silk works , new materials will be tested to decorate the place, mats , napkins, menus etc The restaurant will be open to Maebashi citizens, where they can see workshop participants presenting their design works, some concluding farming perspectives and the global context, and live interview some farmer-teacher about the recipes served.