What Futures for the Book? New Perspectives for the Spain-France-Latin America Book Sector

What Futures for the Book? New Perspectives for the Spain-France-Latin America Book Sector

#FuturosParaElLibro |The Institut français de España and Acción Cultural Española organize this programme of meetings to reflect on the future of books in bookstores, publishers, distributors or libraries, so affected by the health crisis. Renowned professionals from France, Spain and Latin America analyze during six days that are held online between November 3 and 26, the challenges facing the sector and the new opportunities.

The temporary suspension of activity during lockdown and current restrictions in the wake of the second wave of this pandemic have highlighted the fragility of the book chain. Only in Spain, the Federation of Chambers of the Book (FEDECALI) estimates total losses of around 900 million euros in 2020 and warns of the risk of disappearance of thousands of its actors. In France, a study published by its Ministry of Culture estimates that billing will experience a drop this year of approximately 23% compared to 2019, a tragic decline that in Latin America would be between 26% and 50%, depending on the countries.
Watch and listen
¿Qué futuros para el libro? Vídeo 8: "Tendencias editoriales y efectos de la crisis. Infantil/Cómic"
¿Qué futuros para el libro? Vídeo 8: "Tendencias editoriales y efectos de la crisis. Infantil/Cómic"



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