The murmur of Hafez’s tomb

The murmur of Hafez’s tomb

Endjavi Barbé Art Project is an organisation that promotes exchange and dialogue between contemporary art professionals of Iran and Europe through a programme of residencies and an exhibition.

Tere Recarens and Patricia Almarcegui have devised a project at the mausoleum of Iranian poet Hafez, a place where inhabitants go to recite his poems as on a pilgrimage. Here they both become pilgrims and record the sound of his poetry in Spanish/Farsi. For this purpose they are collaborating with the university in organising a workshop to allow lecturers and students to take part and help translate Hafez’s poems into Spanish and the poems of Saint John of the Crossinto Farsi, documenting them in a small publication and video. Lastly, several recitals will be held in different venues in Shiraz.

Activities will be staged in parallel at Spanish venues, including the Macba in Barcelona, CA2M in Madrid, Fundación Joan i Pilar Miró in Palma de Mallorca and the Casa Arabe. AC/E is collaborating on the project through the PICE programme for the internationalisation of Spanish culture. 


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