Photobooks: Spain 1905-1977 Collection Palabra e Imagen, published by the Lumen publishing house between 1961 and 1975

Photobooks: Spain 1905-1977

The Exhibition Photosbooks: Spain 1905-1977 presents a journey through the history of the photobook in Spain, setting off at the beginning of the 20th century and ending in the mid seventies, via a selection from the Museo Reina Sofía Collection, contextualised and accompanied by an assortment of complementary material.

For a long time the aesthetic consideration of photography has been limited to individual images that are able to work in a similar way to paintings or etchings, a blueprint developed by historians and museum curators alike to assemble a canon of ‘masterpieces’ for studios or exhibitions. Yet this model is not the only one, and many photographers cannot synthesise their work in a single image, devising it instead in a series. Both models give rise to two coherent histories of photography: one comprised of photos to hang on walls, with a limited number of copies and on sale at art galleries; the other in book form, possibly with a reissue, available in bookstores. By and large, photographers prefer the last option: “pictures on walls and photos in books” (Cartier-Bresson).

A photobook is a publication made up of photographs ordered as a set of images, with plots and complex meanings, and the medium used by some of the most pre-eminent photographers to produce their greatest work; a tried-and-tested model to present, communicate and read photos. Photobooks are becoming more widely recognised as the best medium for presenting series of photographs.

As far as Spain is concerned, the history of photobooks is determined by the avatars of its own national history, for instance the Civil War and the transition to democracy, the focus of some of the finest work produced. In addition to propaganda, changes to the image and social role of peasants and, above all, women, are also prominent issues that are explored. The relationship between literature and photography is another characteristic of Spanish photobooks, which also include works in closer proximity to the international history of the format, such as publications on urban matters.

The study of photobooks is leading to a reinterpretation of the history of photography in diverse countries, as well as in Spain. Along with well-known photographers (the likes of José Ortiz EchagüeAlfonsoFrancesc Català-RocaRamón MasatsXavier MiserachsFrancisco Ontañón o Colita), the exhibition features a considerable number of practically unknown frontline artists who in their day actually published first-rate photography collections, as is the case with photographers like Antonio Cánovas the collective work of Misiones Pedagógicas, José Compte, Enrique Palazuelo, Luis Acosta Moro and Salvador Costa.

Curated by Horacio Fernández, the exhibition Photobooks: Spain 1905-1977 is in collaboration with Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) to present part of the line of investigation and acquisition carried out by the Museo Reina Sofía concerning photo books. The exhibition is concluded with the publication of a catalogue raisonné, jointly published by the Museo Reina Sofía, AC/E and RM.
Photobooks: Spain 1905-1977 (eBook)

Photobooks: Spain 1905-1977 (eBook)

  • Type: Exhibition catalogue
The book presents a journey through the history of the photobook in Spain, setting off at the beginning of the 20th century and ending in the mid seventies.

Available in Spanish and English

On line sale: RM 

Read in English >

The Photobook: A Boundary Genre in the Museum
By Way of Introduction
¡Quién supiera escribir!... [If only I knew how to write! . . .], Antonio Cánovas, 1905
Spanische Köpfe [Spanish heads], José Ortiz Echagüe, 1929
Patronato de Misiones Pedagógicas [Educational Missions Trust], 1934
Madrid, 1937
Madrid baluarte de nuestra guerra de independencia [Madrid bulwark of our war of independence], 1937
Viento del pueblo [Winds of the people], 1937
Valor y miedo [Courage and fear], 1938
Forjadores de imperio [Empire builders], Jalón Ángel, 1939
Mujeres de la Falange [Women of the Falange], José Compte, 1939
Momentos [Moments], Joaquín del Palacio, 1944
Rincones del viejo Madrid [Corners of old Madrid], Alfonso, 1951
Barcelona, F. Català-Roca, 1954
Les fenêtres [The windows], Leopoldo Pomés, 1957
Neutral Corner, Ramón Masats, 1962
Toreo de salón [Bullfighting practice], Maspons + Ubiña, 1963
Los Sanfermines [The San Fermín festivities], Ramón Masats, 1963
Izas, rabizas y colipoterras, J. Colom, 1964
Viejas historias de Castilla la Vieja [Old stories of Castile the Old], Ramón Masats, 1964
Barcelona blanc i negre [Barcelona black and white], Xavier Miserachs, 1964
Nuevas escenas matritenses [New scenes of Madrid], Enrique Palazuelo, 1965–1966
Costa Brava Show, Xavier Miserachs, 1966
Los cachorros [The cubs], Xavier Miserachs, 1967
Vivir en Madrid [Living in Madrid], Francisco Ontañón, 1967
Cabeza de muñeca [Doll’s head], Luis Acosta Moro, 1968
Luces y sombras del flamenco [Lights and shadows of flamenco], Colita, 1975
Los últimos días de Franco vistos en TVE [The last days of Franco as seen on TVE] / Los primeros días del Rey vistos en TVE [The first days of the King as seen on TVE], Fernando Nuño, 1975
Pintadas del referendum [Graffiti on the Referendum], Equipo Diorama, 1977 / Pintades Pintadas [Graffiti], Foto FAD team, 1977
Antifémina [Antifemale], Colita, 1977
Punk, Salvador Costa, 1977
Index of Name



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