Photobooks: Spain 1905-1977 (eBook)

The book presents a journey through the history of the photobook in Spain, setting off at the beginning of the 20th century and ending in the mid seventies.

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The Photobook: A Boundary Genre in the Museum
By Way of Introduction
¡Quién supiera escribir!... [If only I knew how to write! . . .], Antonio Cánovas, 1905
Spanische Köpfe [Spanish heads], José Ortiz Echagüe, 1929
Patronato de Misiones Pedagógicas [Educational Missions Trust], 1934
Madrid, 1937
Madrid baluarte de nuestra guerra de independencia [Madrid bulwark of our war of independence], 1937
Viento del pueblo [Winds of the people], 1937
Valor y miedo [Courage and fear], 1938
Forjadores de imperio [Empire builders], Jalón Ángel, 1939
Mujeres de la Falange [Women of the Falange], José Compte, 1939
Momentos [Moments], Joaquín del Palacio, 1944
Rincones del viejo Madrid [Corners of old Madrid], Alfonso, 1951
Barcelona, F. Català-Roca, 1954
Les fenêtres [The windows], Leopoldo Pomés, 1957
Neutral Corner, Ramón Masats, 1962
Toreo de salón [Bullfighting practice], Maspons + Ubiña, 1963
Los Sanfermines [The San Fermín festivities], Ramón Masats, 1963
Izas, rabizas y colipoterras, J. Colom, 1964
Viejas historias de Castilla la Vieja [Old stories of Castile the Old], Ramón Masats, 1964
Barcelona blanc i negre [Barcelona black and white], Xavier Miserachs, 1964
Nuevas escenas matritenses [New scenes of Madrid], Enrique Palazuelo, 1965–1966
Costa Brava Show, Xavier Miserachs, 1966
Los cachorros [The cubs], Xavier Miserachs, 1967
Vivir en Madrid [Living in Madrid], Francisco Ontañón, 1967
Cabeza de muñeca [Doll’s head], Luis Acosta Moro, 1968
Luces y sombras del flamenco [Lights and shadows of flamenco], Colita, 1975
Los últimos días de Franco vistos en TVE [The last days of Franco as seen on TVE] / Los primeros días del Rey vistos en TVE [The first days of the King as seen on TVE], Fernando Nuño, 1975
Pintadas del referendum [Graffiti on the Referendum], Equipo Diorama, 1977 / Pintades Pintadas [Graffiti], Foto FAD team, 1977
Antifémina [Antifemale], Colita, 1977
Punk, Salvador Costa, 1977
Index of Name