Book Expo America 2014

Book Expo America 2014

Book Expo America (BEA) is the biggest annual book trade fair in the United States. Practically all the important American book publishers and many foreign publishers exhibit their products at BEA, which is a privileged event for showing the latest novelties, selling new titles, coming into contact with other publishers and purchasing rights. Authors, publishers, copyright managers, booksellers and librarians are splendidly represented at the fair.
Held since 1947, BEA is sponsored by the American Booksellers’ Association, the Association of American Publishers and the Association of Authors’ Representatives.  It is held annually in a major city in the United States (Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles) and, since 2009, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York. It features more than 100 educational sessions, approximately 700 authors, a conference of international digital publishers, and a business and world rights/licensing centre. More than a thousand institutions, companies and publishers’ lists from more than 28 countries take part in the fair.

Throughout history books have been a vehicle for ideas and stories that transcend geographical and cultural boundaries. Digitisation and globalisation have spurred this phenomenon, reinventing the book trade and extending the possibilities of translated literature. With this idea in mind, in 2014 BEA is starting up an initiative where experts in the sector will explore how these new opportunities can be turned into new business for authors, agents, publishers and translators. The ‘Global Market Forum’ section, which has previously dealt with a particular country’s literature every year, is now called ‘Global Market Forum: Books in Translation’ and is designed to create a new working platform for translated books as part of BEA’s long-term future.
The topics to be discussed will include lessons learned from the recent success of translated authors, ways of ensuring that translated works transcend from niche audiences to a large readership, and practices for making translations work from English and into English. Special attention will be paid to success stories of translated works on foreign markets, formulas and programmes for helping translation, and working models used in different countries.

AC/E is collaborating in this year’s fair through the PICE and the mobility grants by supporting the presence of authors Nicolás Casariego and Marcos Giralt Torrente, and Hispabooks’ editor Ana Pérez. 


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