Hay Festival Segovia 2011. Cycle of poetic readings: propios y ajenos Festival Segovia

Hay Festival Segovia 2011. Cycle of poetic readings: propios y ajenos

Behind every writer, however prolific he or she may be, there is always an even more avid reader. A reader who takes on board, with greater or lesser ease, the texts encountered, but who also gives them meanings which on occasion evade the intentions of authors, who cannot anticipate the reactions of the audience to their written text in the way they do when these texts are read out loud. Spanish Cultural Action is the producer of the cycle of readings My words, Others’ words, directed by Maria Sheila Cremaschi, within the context of the Hay Festival Segovia 2011.

More than 35 authors will also reveal their side as actors, given that all recitals have a strong element of theatricality, and as readers of poets who spent some time of their lives based in Segovia. The mystic verse of San Juan de la Cruz, the painstaking simplicity of Antonio Machado, the carefully thought-out emotions of María Zambrano and the experimentation of time of Jaime Gil de Biedma are given the voice of figures such as Eduardo Mendoza, Antonio Gamoneda, Blanca Andreu, Olvido García Valdés, Antonio Colinas and Anne Bateson in some of the city's most distinctive buildings, from El Romeral de San Marcos to the Torreón de Lozoya, along with El Templete de la Plaza Mayor.



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