Page 52 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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52the Troy library on August 2. Book Burning Party August 5”. The ones that were torn down, were quickly replaced. An advert for a clown and an ice cream seller to liven up the action were put in the local paper. A Facebook page was estab- lished and a Twitter account (“There are 200,000 reasons to close the Troy library. They’re called books”, it said, using the hashtag #BookBurningParty.Streetmuseum (Museum of London) was a furious response and comments were left on social media sites such as “You’re sick” and “This is horrible”, “Idiots” etc. The press and local public  gures picked up on the story and ran with it.However, just before the elections, Safeguarding American Families revealed that it had been a hoax and its real message was “A vote to close the public library is a vote to burn books”. The campaign was waged by the Leo Burnett agency whose aim was to shift the debate on taxes into the realm of the libraries. And it worked. On August 2, there was a 38% turnout and 58% of voters chose to pay more tax to keep the library open. releases-augmented-reality-app-for-historical-photos/Streetmuseum is a new augmented reality iPhone app created by the Museum of London in 2010 that allows you to browse historical photo- graphs taken in various parts of the city. The app leads you to various locations around London using either the map or a GPS. Once there, the app will recognize the location and overlay the image on the phone’s camera with the historical photograph, o ering a window to the past.Museum of the Phantom CityThe Phantom City Museum is a public art project that uses personal digital devices to transform the city into a living museum. The app shows design proposals that never came to fruition in various locations in New York City such as Buckminster Fuller’s dome that might have covered midtown Manhattan, the 10-storey helicopter landing pad that was designed to be built over Bryant Park or Michael Sorkin’s home- less housing proposal for West Side Railyards, to mention a few.The art project explores how mobile technology can go further than traditional methods to transform the way we see the city. Inspiredby the Situationists who convert ordinarySTORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION · EVA SNIJDERSSmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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