Page 50 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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50Examples of storytelling in cultural termsStorytelling in historical places• They should be set in a speci c period of history and deal with one or more real people.• They should be based on facts or on personal memory.• Rather than a history lesson, they should be an interpretation of a particular fact.The Tale of a Town historical-storytelling-storytelling.htmlBoth cultural tourism and tourism based on experiences is a growing market. There are many museums, city squares, parks and arts centers across the world where they tell stories, legends and other tales to illustrate the history of the location.If the story can be de ned as a compendium of dates, names, battles, treaties, appointments, marriages, laws and census information etc.,it has all the elements that seem important to share with present and future generations. But the heritage adds value to the facts and as such is less tangible. It is, above all, a living thing.Our stories, rather than relating the basic history of a place, suggest its value as a heritage. Though we may feel obliged to tell the truth, we don’t have to tell every truth about a place, only what is relevant, which means any truth that might answer the question, “And then?”In this context, appropriate stories should include the following characteristics:http://thetaleofatown.comThe tale of a Town is a multimedia project with a strong theatrical component. Its aim is to capture Canada’s collective memory through the personal stories of members of the community.A group travels across the country in a story- mobile (see image) that is basically a recording studio on wheels. In every town and city where they stop, they organize interviews with the lo- cals. The resulting stories form the basis of plays that are performed in site-speci c locations. The project will culminate in a multiplatform celebration in 2017 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Canada’s independence.STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION · EVA SNIJDERSSmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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