Page 23 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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Content Curation – Open platform for annotating, highlighting and collaboratively curating the entire web.Flipboard – News discovery and content publishing platform allows you to curate vertical magazines on speci c topics with minimal e ort and at zero – Content marketing and curation platform allows you to search and  nd niche content and then to edit and curate it for inclu- sion in thematic journals, websites, blogs, online magazies.Pinterest – Visual collection, discovery and gathering platform allows you to create boards of info items that can be introduced and com- mented by the curator.Microsoft Stream – Video curation platform for organizations for internal use as distribution vehicle for training and HR materials, product information or customer assistance resources.Diigo – Bookmarking and research support service makes it easy to save and archive any web page “as is”, as well to categorize it, tag it and annotate it.ZEEF – Listing service allows you to collabora- tively curate directories of resources, tools and articles on speci c subjects.AndersPink – Content discovery platform facil- itates  nding, aggregating and  ltering content feeds (RSS) on any topic.Zakta Research – Research engine leveraging visualization, collaboration and curation to optimize content discovery.Trusted Guides (content curators) in speci c interest areas(*original tweeters to follow)Julian Stodd (Social Leadership)Harold Jarche (Knowledge Management)Maria Popova (Culture)Howard Rheingold (Digital Literacy, crap detection)Kevin Kelly (Future, Tools) Alfonso Furtado (Publishing)Sepp Hasslberger (Health, New Energy, Econ- omy, P2P)David Kelly (Learning)Joyce Valenza (Education)Robert Scoble (New Tech)Michel Bauwens (P2P)Rohit Barghava (In uence and Trends)AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 201723Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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