Page 22 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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22As such curation, is “the” best instrument to hold, preserve and let others discover whatour, or any other speci c culture, is all about. It allows us to transmit the value of our culture to others across time.Today, content curators are all around us and help society identify and discover what is relevant, interesting, innovative, rare, by actively separating the wheat from the cha .And as traditional brands and institutional spokespersons lose their trustworthiness, con- tent curators replace them by becoming our new trusted guides.By continuously selecting, archiving and present- ing the best resources and information available, content curators de ne who we are, and the perimeter and depth of our interests.Curation is the live, updating museum of our culture.To support it we must  nd and devise more e ective ways to preserve the digital collections we publish and share online.If the Internet is ever censored, goes down orit is blocked by unforeseeable events that we cannot anticipate now, we should not let our culture disappear in a few milliseconds. We need to be able to  nd out how to preserve this content safely and for the long haul.This is our challenge for the future.BibliographyCurationby Joyce Kasman Valenza (2016)Lists Are the New SearchBy Benedict Evans (2016)Content Curation O cial Guideby Robin Good (2016)Students Curating: Powerful LearningBy Nancy White, TechLearning (2014)Why Curation Revolutionizes Education and LearningBy Robin Good (2016)Can the Internet Be Archived?by Jill Lepore, New Yorker (2015) The Internet Dark AgesBy Arienne Lafrance, The Atlantic (2015)Learning from Failure the Case of the Disappear- ing Web Site by Francine Barone, David Zeitlyn and Viktor Mayer Schoenberger (2015)Saving Our Digital Heritageby Jim Barksdale and Francine Berman, Washing- ton Post (2007)J. Zittrain, K. Albert and L. Lessig, 2013. “Perma: Scoping and addressing the problem of link and reference rot in legal citations,” Harvard Public Law Working Paper, number 13–42, at http://, accessed 24 February 2014;; also in Harvard Law Review, volume 127, number 4 (2014), at http://harvardlawreview. org/2014/03/perma-scoping-and-addressing- the-problem-of-link-and-reference-rot-in-legal- citations/.CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE · ROBIN GOODSmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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