Page 15 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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As a consequence the role of the teacher / professor is gradually being transformed into one of an expert guide, go-to-person, museum guide, who can suggest and advise on where and how to look to  nd out more about a speci c issue, problem, or topic. (Springshare LibGuides)The ArtsAs museum and art galleries fully digitize them- selves, the opportunities to create additional value by curating, not just what is in the collec- tion, but also what is related to it but outside of it, will literally explode (see The Open-Source Museum).Art will disenfranchise itself from having to depend on monolithic interpretations and views as it will become possible for multiple experts to contribute their views and interpretation to any art collection (The Met Connections).Better still, art lovers and connoisseurs willbe, for the  rst time in history, empowered to create and showcase their own art collections without needing to own any of the actual pieces. They will also be able to contribute, comment on, annotate and curate personal collections, thematic showcases and galleries of their own creation and choosing (Google Open Gallery, Pictify, Kapsul).Art lovers and connoisseurs will be, for the  rst time in history, empoweredto create and showcase their own art collections without needing to own any of the actual pieces.The curated collections of the near future, which will be accessible in a digital format, will remain available forever (no need to take them downto give space to another exhibition), and will o er the opportunity to be frequently updated and expanded, while preserving a complete and thorough history of all the changes, modi cations and additions made to it (see Google Street Art).Digital art collections (aided by virtual/aug- mented reality) will make physical-only, static collections a thing of the past.FilmsThe world of  lms will also greatly bene t from curation activities and in particular it will see an explosion of discovery tools that will make it much easier to  nd and re-discover movies,  lms and documentaries that have never made it to the commercial movie-theater circuit or to television.Here are a few early examples:• Omive –  nd instantly any movie by genre, rating, votes, runtime, year, keywords, directors and actors.• Tastekid – recommends similar music (musicians, bands), movies, TV shows, books, authors and games, based on what you like.• MovieMap – visual movies search engine helps you discover similar movies you may like.• IsNotTV – movie discovery platform leveraging user contibutions, reviews and “trusted guides”.• SuggestMovie – custom movie search engine helps to  lter and  nd whatever type of  lm you may be looking for.Curated resources like the Criterion Collection, a curated  lm boutique that digitally remasters and sells access to classic authors’  lms, while bundling with each movie, unique and rare interviews, clips, unpublished/censored scenes, backstage images and other relevant materials (that would be otherwise next to impossible to  nd) will also prosper.There will be plenty of independent curated hubs dedicated to collect and organize theAC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 201715Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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