Page 14 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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14successful example of this trend is Smartbrief,a company that publishes hundreds of curated newsletters, each one focusing on a speci c industry, from aeronautics to pharmaceuticals. Each newsletter picks, selects, and adds com- mentary and opinion to the most relevant news of the day in his speci c market niche.Similarly, the newest kid on the block, Inside, is also positioned to become a one-stop-shop for niche email newsletter curating the most relevant news and stories in a myriad of other verticals.In general, we may see a growing trend of new journalism moving from news as an entertain- ment and light-information source, to news as a service, made up of specialized streams of highly organized and vetted information, subjectively curated by dedicated teams of experts.Curation may also bring to the surfacea more critical and analytical approach tobeing informed, as well as an appreciation for  rst-person, subjective reporting where we can see events and stories through the eyes and perspective of a speci c individual (who is open and transparent about his bias and prejudices).Curation may also bring to the surface a more critical and analytical approach to being informed, as well as an appreciation for  rst-person, subjective reporting where we can see events and stories through the eyes and perspective of a speci c individual.In the near future it is possible that we will strive less to get absolute objectivity, as curation makes us realize that this is not a 100% tenable position. Reality can be looked at from di erent viewpoints, and it is now up to us to pick and select through which “glasses” we want to look at it.Education and LearningThe whole educational universe is being com-pletely revolutionized by curational practices.Personalized, custom learning paths will replace traditional standardized curricula as the number of available online courses explodes. Subject-matter experts will curate them by bringing together the best online classes from the most diverse set of universities and colleges. Coursera, Springboard, and smaller companies like CourseBu et or eLearnHero are already paving this way, while adding pro table com- plementary services like personal mentoring and certi cation.New tools, like Peak, allow smaller schools to aggregate content from multiple sources like the Khan Academy, YouTube Education, Britannica School, and many more and to create custom courses and classes tailored to speci c needs.Content curation starts being used as a better and more e ective approach to let students dis- cover and fully immerse themselves in any topic to be learned. By using a curatorial approach in a learning environment students are prompted to do so by actively exploring and critically investi- gating the matter to be learned, rather than by simply memorizing its related facts.Curated textbooks will replace their traditional academic counterparts, by bringing together in a highly customizable fashion the best and most relevant information already available in existing articles, research papers, essays and textbooks. (McGraw-Hill Create, Panopen, Boundless)Teachers, professors and parents will take personal responsibility to  nd, test and evaluate new tools and resources in a public, collabora- tive, crowdsourced fashion. (EdShelf)Subject-matter experts who curate speci c topics, issues and themes will become the new educators / facilitators / guides as traditional teachers and professors rapidly evolve into “curators” or risk losing a good chunk of their appeal, credibility and trust.CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE · ROBIN GOODSmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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