Seoul Music Week 2018

Seoul Music Week 2018

AC/E supports the participation of the Spanish group "O sister" to perform their music to Korean audiences and music business delegators during the Seoul Music week 2018. They also participate in conferences and speed meetings. They are provided with opportunities to meet delegators and collaborate with artists from various countries including Korea during Seoul Music Week 2018. In addition, there are fan sign meetings and off-line sales for their album. And they are going to perform on two more stages in local festivals.

SMW is an International Showcase Festival, and Trade Fair, Conference, Speed Meeting. During the event, GloMMnet, the first union of the global music market, also known as Global Music Market Network, was launched, which is composed of 32 groups from 28 countries.

SMW has schedule 30 people engaged in music business from all over the world for the next event and will proceed with showcases, conferences as well as speed meetings. The venue for the event is the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, one of the famous performing stages. The Center is near Kyungbok Castle in Seoul, the capital city of Korea.


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