YAMsession 2018

YAMsession 2018

YAMsession is an annual international event for creative professionals working in the field of young audiences development. It is dedicated to musicians,  programmers, producers, bookers, educators and organisers. In this year's edition at Santiago de Compostela, AC/E supports the participation of ​Balkan Paradise Orchestra, Violeta Amargant (L´Auditori de Barcelona) and Javier Marin (Fundación Juan March).

YAMsession takes place in a different country every year and includes showcases of the best young audiences productions from Europe and the world, a dynamic Producers Forum and a wide range of thought provoking presentations and discussions from international speakers. Delegates shall also have the opportunity to enjoy the YAMawards Ceremony, where the world's best music productions for young audiences are crowned.



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