XIV Encuentro Iberoamericano de Mujeres en el Arte

XIV Encuentro Iberoamericano de Mujeres en el Arte

The international coordinating committee for Women in Art – Coordinadora Internacional de Mujeres en el Arte, ComuArte– made up of prominent women artists and cultural managers, promotes the artistic oeuvre of women creators internationally.

 Colectivo de Mujeres en la Música A.C. is made up of women performers, composers, orchestra conductors and researchers devoted to promoting and disseminating the work of women in music by holding annual meetings as part of International Women’s Day.  
Its aims include integrating artistic and cultural organisations of women who suffer from discrimination and marginalisation by promoting cultural policies to bring about social changes that foster equality and justice.

The 14th Ibero-American Meeting of Women in Art – Encuentro Iberoamericano de Mujeres en el Arte – with the collaboration of  AC/E, is inviting Spanish women Carmen Cecilia Piñero (musicologist), Isabel Gil Vera (guitarist) and Elena León (visual artist) to work with the rest of its team and the Symphonic Orchestra of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional of Mexico through meetings, exhibitions and music with the ultimate aim of producing the CD Mujeres en la Música Sinfonía Iberoamericana (Women in Ibero-American Symphonic Music) 


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