Writings in Freedom. Experimental Spanish and Latin American Poetry in the 20th Century "GRRR"

Writings in Freedom. Experimental Spanish and Latin American Poetry in the 20th Century

Writings in Freedom presents to the public for the first time the experimental poetical works generated during the last century in Spain and Latin America. Writers belonging to what is also known as the "visual poetry" movement explore the plastic nature of words, aiming to create a literature in which word and image combine to consolidate new and startling realities.

The exhibition focuses on two key periods: the turn of the century and the sixties. The former features work by a long list of authors including J.M. Junoy, Guillermo de Torre, Ernesto Gimenez Caballero and, representing the Americas, Juan José Tablada and Vicente Huidobro. From the calligrams of Julio Campal onwards, we are also presented with the work of the outstanding authors that started in the 1960s: Juan Hidalgo, Fernando Millan, Joan Brossa, Francisco Pino, Juan Eduardo Cirlot, José Miguel Ullán, etc.
In parallel there are also works on display by contemporary Latin American writers: Edgardo A. Vigo, Ulises Carrión, Clemente Padín, Guillermo Deisler. The most recent generations are represented by the work of Antonio Gómez, Bartolomé Ferrando and Eduardo Scala.


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