'So far, yet so near'. A gathering of festivals celebrating Spanish cinema

'So far, yet so near'. A gathering of festivals celebrating Spanish cinema

The circulation of films and of those who produce and create them has gone hand in hand with those organizations and agents who have been concerned —and concerned— that this international presence materializes. The accomplices in this diffusion are many and, specifically, the festivals and exhibitions are the entities that best and for the longest time have managed to place in the annual cultural agendas of different cities the appointment with the novelties of Spanish cinema and, incidentally, with some voice to be rediscovered from an immense legacy. It would never have been possible to reach new audiences and retain their loyalty without the "cultural circuit" created by so many international accomplices that have opened essential windows so that today many varied and high-quality titles can reach audiences beyond local borders and commercials.

In this context, the meeting between public institutions and festivals dedicated to Spanish and Spanish cinema «So far, yet so near» that is held at the Malaga Festival - Spanish Screenings and has the support of Acción Cultural Española, comes at a time very timely: in a time of paradigm shift, where everything related to the cinema is changing rapidly, from consumption habits to the emergence of online platforms (more so after the pandemic years), including the new business models in the creation, distribution and exhibition. Institutions and festivals whose experience and work have focused on making Spanish cinema visible abroad have been summoned. His good work is already part of the history of our cinema, so there are no better interlocutors to establish a dialogue that brings to light the challenges, the challenges and the expectations for the future of a fabric that seems more relevant than ever to sustain a diverse cultural offer aimed at citizens and to give continuity to artistic expression and critical, free and creative expression.



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