Sheila Blanco. Singing to the poets of 27

Sheila Blanco. Singing to the poets of 27

The pianist, composer and singer Sheila Blanco performs in the Spanish Pavilion at the Frankfurt Book Fair with a selection of poems turned into songs by the best authors of the Generation of 27.

Accompanied only by a piano, Sheila adds voice and rhythm voice and rhythm to the verses of the poets Carmen Conde, Conde, Ernestina de Champourcin, Concha Méndez, Méndez, Elisabeth Mulder, Margarita Ferreras, Josefina Romo Arregui and Dolores Catarinéu, interpreting a music that delves into the emotions that permeate their collections of poems and that address universal themes, personalized in the lives of each poet such as love, pain, exile, beauty, grief, remorse...



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