São Paulo International Book Biennial, which takes place from 22 to 31 August 2014, attracts some 800,000 visitors and has a very intense cultural programme designed to promote reading among children, young people and adults. Every year it brings together more than 1,000 publishers, and is the third biggest publishing event in the world. Since the beginning of this decade, the biennial has been strengthening its digital aspect, for which it has been creating specific areas of intervention, including a series of addresses by prominent people from the world of books with a digital mentality.
AC/E is collaborating by supporting the participation of Araceli Corbo, a librarian at the MUSAC in León, to enable her to offer her view as a representative of libraries that make use of the new technologies to interact with their users and create contents; Jonatán Jiménez from Popular Libros, who analyses the business potential of bookshops in the digital era; and Diego Moreno from Nórdica Libros, who shows the possibilities available to publishers who decide to adopt a digital focus.
AC/E is collaborating by supporting the participation of Araceli Corbo, a librarian at the MUSAC in León, to enable her to offer her view as a representative of libraries that make use of the new technologies to interact with their users and create contents; Jonatán Jiménez from Popular Libros, who analyses the business potential of bookshops in the digital era; and Diego Moreno from Nórdica Libros, who shows the possibilities available to publishers who decide to adopt a digital focus.