Research Conference: 'TRANS-FORMACIONES'

Research Conference: 'TRANS-FORMACIONES'

The research institute of the department of performing arts of Buenos Aires National University has been holding these research conferences since 2007 on various matters related to the performing arts. They are a meeting place for that which was formerly assumed to be divided but is brought together in the present day: artists/researchers, theory/practice, reflection/action. The conference makes it possible to rethink the production of knowledge in the field of the arts.

The aim of this year’s conference, which is entitled Trans-forma, is to generate spaces for exhibiting and examining the problems of the concept of performance, choreographic methodologies and broader approaches to dance in order to explore the universe of praxis and its theoretical discourses. The work of the guest artists will make a contribution to the reflection on current changes in forms of production and how they can modify educational trends today.

Spanish artists Jorge Dutor, Guillem Mont de Palol and Cris Blanco are taking part in the conference. 


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