Mostra de Igualada 2017, 28 Edition of the Feria de Teatro Infantil y Juvenil

Mostra de Igualada 2017, 28 Edition of the Feria de Teatro Infantil y Juvenil

La Mostra d’Igualada – Children’s and Youth Theatre Festival is the leading performing arts market for all audiences in Catalonia. It is a major showcase for the best productions, attracting around 36,000 spectators and 700 professionals. Considered a strategic Catalan marketplace, its purpose is to strengthen children’s theatre programmes around the country and beyond. From over 660 applications received to take part in the festival, the artistic direction has selected around fifty productions for their quality, contemporaneity, originality and capacity to incorporate new languages and to adapt to unconventional spaces.

The festival encompasses all performing art genres (theatre, magic, circus arts, clowning, puppetry, dance, music, multi-disciplinary arts, etc.), both in theatres and on the street. Although the programme features many Catalan productions, the festival also includes several companies from around Spain and abroad. Furthermore, La Mostra is a key meeting place for sector professionals, who benefit from a business exchange and networking space (La Llotja), numerous parallel activities such as conferences, speed meetings, a project marketplace (pitching) and arranged or informal meetings that encourage contact among the sector’s players.



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