Microrrelato. 1st International Network Meeting of Writers 2018

Microrrelato. 1st International Network Meeting of Writers 2018

This network meeting of micro-story authors, organised by Acción Cultural Española, AC/E, in conjunction with the MiRed Research Project will be held on 5th October at 19:00 hours in the “Salón de Grados” at San Pablo CEU University. One of the aims is to bring researchers together who have contributed to the rise of micro-stories in Latin America and Spain, and also to create a space to encourage dialogue and exchange among writers who have played a relevant role in developing this literary genre, particularly in the digital world, and mobilising the institutions involved in the field of cultural management. AC/E supports participation by Javier Díaz  (

The MiRed research group analyses the current interaction in society, cultural manifestations and digital technology (digital turn) while it faces the subject of study through digital tools of Philology and Humanities.



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