MADATAC is a relevant Spanish international event in the discipline aof Videoarte. It is celebrated annually and facilitates the promotion of digital audiovisual creators who are immersed at renewing the language of conventional audiovisual narrative and who work with the tools of the new digital media. It is a project that places special emphasis on innovation and experimentation of New Media Art projects.
AC/E supports the participation in this eighth edition of Wu Tien-Chang, the most relevant contemporary video artist in Taiwan. Through his projects, Wu Tien-Chang analyzes Humanotropy: Transhumanism that has lavished the canonical representations of the individual that have come to an end. In today's world humas are an outlaw of evolution, anxiously seeking for their new identity. A visual trope defines the substitution of one thing for another, the alteration of a natural state by another, the search for a direction and a sense.
AC/E supports the participation in this eighth edition of Wu Tien-Chang, the most relevant contemporary video artist in Taiwan. Through his projects, Wu Tien-Chang analyzes Humanotropy: Transhumanism that has lavished the canonical representations of the individual that have come to an end. In today's world humas are an outlaw of evolution, anxiously seeking for their new identity. A visual trope defines the substitution of one thing for another, the alteration of a natural state by another, the search for a direction and a sense.