Jobs in Zarzuela. Conference on Zarzuela in Cuenca  2014

Jobs in Zarzuela. Conference on Zarzuela in Cuenca 2014

Entitled ‘Los oficios de la zarzuela’ (jobs zarzuela), this conference is a tribute to the professionals involved in the staging of these light operas. As in the first year, the conference includes debates, courses and lectures and a festival of shows ranging from small format to the revival of a significant zarzuela, El terrible Pérez, a fair, an exhibition and other complementary activities.

The 2014 zarzuela conference is part of the Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture (PICE) that is run by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) with the aim of promoting the international presence of Spanish creators, professionals and artists.  AC/E is collaborating in this event by supporting the presence of international programmers Frederic Chambert, director of the Theatre du Capitole in Toulouse(France); Vincenzo de Vivo, director of the Teatro di San Carlo (Naples, Italy); Mario Ernesto Sánchez, director of the  Teatro AvanteInternational Hispanic Theatre Festival  (Miami, Florida); Carlos Fernandez Aransay,  director of the  International Spanish Song and Zarzuela Festival (London, UK); and Jose Luis Falçao, Director of the Teatro são Carlos in Lisbon (Portugal). 


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