Hay Festival Xalapa 2013

Hay Festival Xalapa 2013

Hay Festival is a non-profit organisation based in Hay-on-Wye and with offices in London.
Its purpose is to devise festivals that explore and celebrate both literature and ideas, focusing on the interactive nature of culture and the possibilities it creates for dialogue, exchange and development. Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts has been organising festivals for 25 years in the United Kingdom (Hay on Wye), Spain (Segovia), Colombia (Bogota and Cartagena de Indias), Kenya (Nairobi, since 2008), Mexico (Zacatecas 2010 and Xalapa 2011), India (Kerala since 2010), Lebanon (Beirut since 2012) and Hungary (Budapest since 2012). It also provides advice to ‘sister’ festivals in Italy, Germany and Brazil.

Every October since 2011 Hay Festival Xalapa has been bringing together leading authors and thinkers working in collaboration with the local community and experts in different aspects of culture. In 2012, the second year it was held in this city, the festival had more than 28,600 visitors (39% more than the first year), who had the chance to attend fifty or so talks, four concerts, two exhibitions, a play and fourteen meetings for young people throughout the five days it lasted. The festival brought together eighty-nine international artists and writers from eighteen countries.

AC/E is collaborating with Hay Festival Xalapa in 2013 with a programme that aims to make known younger generations of writers, who will be introduced by more accomplished writers, as part of its strategy to internationalise Spanish creators.

The programme is based on two core themes:
60x80=4+4, two generations of Spanish writers face to face. Three writers from the 60s (Martín Casariego, Rafael Reig y Marta Sanz) with a long track record help writers belonging to the generation of the 80s(Aixa de la Cruz, Daniel Gascón and Cristina Morales) make their public debut through a conversation. This dialogue between generations will show the different trends in Spanish narrative through prominent figures in this field.

Graphic Spain. Two established authors of visual novels talk to another two belonging to younger generations, bearing witness to the vitality of this genre in our country. The authors are: Álvaro Ortiz, Luci Gutiérrez, Juan José Saez and Santiago Valenzuela.



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