Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2016

Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2016

Every January Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias brings together prominent authors and thinkers who team up with the local community and experts in various fields of culture. Literature, the visual arts, film, music, geopolitics, journalism and the environment combine in an atmosphere of dialogue and celebration in which the local population is fully involved. With a strong international presence, a variety of events and interaction between artists and audience, Hay Festival Cartagena can be defined as the cultural event with the greatest impact and following in Latin America.

For this 10th edition of the festival, AC/E and Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias have put together a programme that promotes various aspects of literature and the Spanish literary sector, ranging from narrative to literature for children and young people. One of the youngest female representatives of the Spanish literary scene, Ana Sainz Quesada, winner of the FNAC/Salamandra Graphic 2014  international graphic novel prize for Chucrut, is taking part in the illustration and comics section, as well as author Margarita del Mazo.



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