Hay Festival Querétaro 2024

Hay Festival Querétaro 2024

The Hay Festival Querétaro is a cultural and ideas festival for all audiences that celebrates the arts and sciences through inclusive, accessible and playful events. Its programming includes talks, workshops, concerts and readings with international experts in the fields of literature, visual arts, science, the environment, cinema, music, human rights, journalism, among other topics.

For this ninth edition of the Festival, AC/E supports the participation in different programmed activities of the following Spanish authors:

Nuria Pérez was born in Galicia and began her working life between Milan and London, where she worked as a creative director in advertising agencies. Her campaigns have been awarded at the New York and Cannes festivals. She currently creates and directs sound projects such as Gabinete de Curiosidades (four seasons, 2019-2022), one of the narrative podcasts in Spanish with the largest audience and best rated in recent years. She has won different awards, including the 2021 Ondas Prize. As an author she has published The Monocle Monster and Other Beasts (Jekyll & Jill, 2017) and Gabinete X (GeoPlaneta, 2022).

Montse Bizarro completed a double degree in Journalism and Humanities at the UPF, followed by a master's degree in Literary Creation at the same university. In 2011 she won the Sambori Òmnium Cultural award from Barcelona-L’Hospitalet. She has collaborated with renowned media and organizations such as Europa Press, El Punt Avui, Nissan España and Atrevia. In 2021, after receiving the diagnosis of autism, she began working at Casa Batlló with Specialisterne, as head of a team of neurodivergent people. From her current job in marketing and communications at Specialisterne, she actively works to debunk myths about autism and promotes a more inclusive view of neurodiversity. Additionally, she acts as a spokesperson in the Obertament Association, fighting against the stigma of mental health. Part of her poetic work has been published in the anthology Pluma, ink y papel (Literary Diversity 2020) and her stories appear in the magazines Mercurio and El Vuelto. Tomorrow we will no longer talk about anything (2024) is her first novel, an introspective inquiry into the complexities of human relationships in the contemporary world.

Guiomar Rovira, PhD in Social Sciences, is currently a professor at the University of Girona, Spain. As a journalist, she covered the Zapatista indigenous uprising in Chiapas, Mexico. She has been a professor in the bachelor's degree in Social Communication and in the postgraduate degree in Communication and Politics at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, in Mexico City, from 2008 to 2022. A specialist in social movements and communication, feminisms and digital networks in Latin America, she is author of the books: Women of Corn (Ediciones Era, 1997), Zapatistas without borders (Ediciones Era, 2009), Network Activism and Connected Multitudes (Icaria-UAM, 2016) and #MeToo: the wave of feminist connected multitudes ( Bellaterra, 2023). This year she will publish Zapata Vive, a new book with the publishing house Sexto Piso about the 30 years of the Zapatista movement.

Mohamed El Morabet is a writer and translator, born in Al Hoceima, but resident in Madrid since 2002. The Winter of the Goldfinches (2022) is his second novel. In spring, the goldfinches return to Al Hoceima from the desert, the same desert from which Brahim's brother returns after participating in the Green March. From a young age, Brahim learns that death, illness, war or madness are part of a seemingly simple world, in which, however, uncertainty always awaits. He accepts what happens, without resisting.



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