Goya and the Modern World (eBook)

The book analyzes the work of Goya and its relationship to modern art through five sections: The subjectivity of his portraits and self-portraits; everyday life; the grotesque, the comical and the absurd; the exercise of violence, with that fundamental core, intense war; and the cry where the faces are subjected to subjectivity that spoils figures, resonances echoes, individual and collective, personal and universale.

Avalaible in Italian with the Spanish texts in an annex.

- Umane spoglie
Jaime Brihuega
- Goya e Vienna
Werner Hofmann
- Il coraggio di guardare
Antonio Muñoz Molina
- Una mostruosità grottesca. Modernità e ambivalenza in Francisco Goya e Francis Bacon
Susanne Schlünder
- Goya e l’Italia moderna
Claudio Strinati
- Il lavoro del tempo. I ritratti
Valeriano Bozal
- La vita di tutti i giorni
Valeriano Bozal
- Disparates. Comico e grottesco
Valeriano Bozal
- Riflessioni sulla violenza
Concha Lomba
- L’urlo
Concha Lomba
- Biografie
- Textos español