Flores en la basura

Flores en la basura

This documentary (Flowers in the garbage), filmed over the period from 2013 to 2018, paints a picture – in only 80 minutes – of the past five years in crisis-stricken Spain. It is a panoramic view that gives a voice to the people who have no say. 

The crisis began with the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis, extended to the finance sector – the collapse of Lehman Brothers – and soon became widespread in the real world: unemployment, wage drops, inequality, reduction in social protection and precarity.

Throughout the documentary director José Antonio Romero Garrido and producer Rien Ne Va Plus examine who the losers are in this recession: young people, women and workers aged between 35 and 45 who will never become what they trained to be, over-45s who lost their jobs, people left behind by the technological and robotic revolution, those whose companies were relocated to other countries where working conditions are highly favourable to their owners, retired people whose purchasing power has suffered… and many more.


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