Festival de la Palabra de Puerto Rico 2015

Festival de la Palabra de Puerto Rico 2015

The Festival de la Palabra (Festival of the Word) in Puerto Rico, now in its sixth year, brings together a hundred or so authors from all over Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the United States. It sets out to provide a space for intercultural debate between both sides of the Atlantic and to promote the Spanish language and culture.

This year’s festival is based on the theme Writing in violent times and features more than a hundred activities: debates, roundtables, masterclasses, film screenings, poetry readings, concerts, exhibitions and book launches, as well as meetings with various authors. 

90 guest writers from 20 countries are taking part in the festival, including six Spanish authors who have been awarded Mobility grants from Acción Cultural Española: Fernando Iwasaki, Javier Ruibal, Paloma González Rubio, Alfonso Mateo-Sagasta, Berna González Harbour and María Ángeles Pérez López



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