Festival Musiktheatertage Wien 2015

Festival Musiktheatertage Wien 2015

With the collaboration of AC/E through the Mobility programme, Opera de Butxaca i Nova Creació has been invited by Vienna’s Musiktheatertage festival to premiere the opera disPLACE composed by Raquel García Tomás and Joan Magrané and written by Helena Tornero. The opera is based on the controversy triggered by the gentrification of Barcelona. In recent years, the centre of the Catalan capital has gradually been transformed in pace with the growth of the tourist industry and the city centre’s traditional lifestyles, culture and trades have been dying out. The original inhabitants, under pressure from the new businesses, have been forced to move away from the area owing to rising property and rental prices. Òpera de Butxaca i Noves Creacions originates from the festival with the same name (FOB-NC), which was started up in 1993 at the Teatre Malic. 



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