Festival Internacional Paidéia de Teatro para a Infância e Juventude 2017: Uma Janela para a Utopia

Festival Internacional Paidéia de Teatro para a Infância e Juventude 2017: Uma Janela para a Utopia

An international theater festival addressed to children and young people with about 5 days endurance. In this week with intense cultural activities by artists from all over the world, recognized for their work for the children and young people audience, ‘Cia. Paidéia de Teatro’ establishes dialogue and exchange with groups from many countries, groups who realize the importance of contemporary theater for children and youth, and aim at discovering, together, new paths, goals and ideas for theater making. The international exchange offers new landscapes and possibilities: modern and traditional meet and the many cultural influences encounter in an event that reveals the multiplicity of theater, its making, its play, its experience. 

AC/E supports the participation of Pepa Muriel as a special guest of the Festival to present their show "El desván de los hermanos Grimm" ("The attic of the brothers Grimm"). The artist will use her stay in Brazil to give the workshop "La cajá de los cuentos de seda" ("The box of silk stories").



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