Festival Autoplacer 2015

Festival Autoplacer 2015

Autoplacer festival is an initiative of the Colectivo Autoplacer/Sindicalistas for CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, a venue run by the regional authorities of Madrid, which is taking place for the sixth time in 2015. Every year Autoplacer brings together up-and-coming bands and musical projects that belong to the Spanish musical self-publishing scene and are related to independent management and distribution models, such as DIY musical production and other sustainable practices like online distribution.

AC/E is collaborating by supporting the participation of international influencers and programmers from prestigious institutions in order to foster exchange links between them and Spanish creators. To boost the presence of up-and-coming Spanish bands and experimental and artistic musical projects in the international circuits, representatives of Galeria Zé dos BoisMateria PrimaFilho Único, Dedos Biónicos, Milhoes de Festa, Quintanilha Rock, Cafetra Records,  Festival Teriaki,  Association TeriakiLe Temps Machine, Festival Nouvelle(s) Scene(s), Confort Moderne and Le Lieu Uniquede have been invited to take part as Visitors. In addition, their collaboration with Autoplacer will help foster musical creation and free distribution through sustainable and legal practices in order to professionalise and internationalise Spanish independent music. 



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