Festival Rendez Vous Chez Nous 2019

Festival Rendez Vous Chez Nous 2019

Since 2010, the ACMUR association proposes each year, a free festival in public space called « Rendez vous chez nous ». The festival is taking place in February in the streets of Ouagadougou & Bobo Dioulasso, and then, continues in Bamako (Mali) and Kankan and Conakry (Guinea).

The 10th edition is organized around a theme "mobilizing for dialogue and resilience". It is built on the partnership with 10 major cultural actors. It hosts an international programme with 20 countries involved (artists and professionals). There is also an international seminar bringing together African and European professionals around an African network of creative industries.

AC/E is covering the travel expenses of the Spanish guests invited to take part: Fadunito and HURyCAN. This support is aimed at internationalising the performing arts sector by encouraging Spanish companies to take part in fairs and other international sector events.



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