
Festival of Renaissance and Baroque Music of Vélez Blanco 2021

The Velez Blanco Renaissance and Baroque Music Festival turns 20 years old. In these two decades, Renaissance and Baroque music has played again in the monuments and spaces of the rich historical heritage of Vélez Blanco; Professors and professors of the highest level have taught classes to students from all over Spain, and the general population has enjoyed lectures, concerts, etc. making the Festival a shared success and emotion.

The organization of these concerts, which have the support of AC / E, has followed the line outlined by other editions of the Festival, with a quality program in which groups and soloists with a proven track record participate, and which they intend to continue making known the rich Spanish musical heritage.

In parallel, a set of activities are organized that make the Festival occupy all hours of the day. Among them, the Academy of Renaissance and Baroque Music with training courses and musical improvement, the International History Seminar, a series of conferences.



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