Festival Cena CumpliCidades 2018

Festival Cena CumpliCidades 2018

The Cena CumpliCidades Festival sets out to promote artistic exchange. It is a movement based on collaboration between artists, producers, designers, journalists, organisations and professionals from various sectors who join forces with a common aim: to promote, manage and disseminate the culture of cities all over Brazil and the world.

The festival has two host cities, Olinda and Recife, and enjoys the support of the authorities of both in respecting and promoting culture. Ever since the festival was first established, much effort has been devoted to setting up and organising socio-educational activities specifically for this purpose in order to disseminate and promote the performing arts among the population.
AC/E is collaborating in this project through its mobility programme by coproducing the show of the Spanish Company Artistas Inflamables.


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