Estoril Lisboa Festival 2017

Estoril Lisboa Festival 2017

The Festival de Estoril Lisboa has been held since 1975 in the various historical auditoriums and national monuments of Lisbon, Estoril and Cascáis. A member of the European Festivals Association, as of 2012 it adopted the name Festival de Estoril Lisboa and is organised by the Associação Internacional de Musica da Costa do Estoril (AIMCE).

With the collaboration of Acción Cultural Española through the PICE mobility awards, the festival, now in its 43th year, is featuring in its programme four concerts of Spanish groups that conmemorate the painter Bartolomé Murillo in its 4th Centenary. 

The cycle begins on July 8, at 5:00 p.m., with an organ concert at the Church of São Vicente de Fora and the debut in Portugal of the Sevillan organist  Andrés Cea Galán. The programme under the title "Cinco Cuadros de Murillo", is composed by works of Francisco Correa de Arauxo, Juan Cabanilles, Pablo Bruna, Joseph Jiménez and an Anonymous of the seventeenth century.

On July 10, at 6:00 p.m., it will be the turn of the Sonor Ensemble group, under the direction of Mt. Luis Aguirre, to pay tribute to Murillo in Room D. Luis I, Ajuda National Palace. In addition to the debut of "Niños de Murillo", by Sebastián Mariné, the group will play works by Albéniz, Piazzolla and the Concerto for violin, piano and chords by Chausson, with Georgy Vasilenko in the violin.

The third concert of the series will take place in the same room of the palace on July 13, at 6:00 pm, with the group Orphenica Lyra of the world-renowned specialist in ancient music José Miguel Moreno. Together with the soprano Soledad Cardoso and the gambler Ventura Rico, the programme under the title "Música en tiempos de Murillo" covers a wide range of seventeenth-century works by Juan Hidalgo, Gaspar Sanz, Francisco Gerau, Miguel Martí Valenciano, Sebastián Durón, Antonio Martín and Coll, José Marín and Juan Arañés.

Finally, the pianist Mario Prisuelos concludes the cycle with a programme by Spanish composers. The recital to be held in the Hall of Mirrors of the Foz Palace, on July 17, at 6:00 pm, has the suggestive title "Visiones mysticas para piano", once again honoring the spirit and character of Murillo. It is composed of works of the Pd. Soler, Joan Magrané, Joaquin Turina, Jesús Torres and Braida Novoa's play "Láquesis".



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