DNAmovement encounters Spain

DNAmovement encounters Spain

With the collaboration of the AC/E mobility grants, the Fundación Romaeuropa is featuring Sharon Fridman’s company, the choreographer Lauretano Reyes and Laura Kumin, journalist and director of the Encuentro Coreográfico de Madrid, in this year’s edition of DNAmovement.

DNAmovement is a project run by the Fundación Romaeuropa that brings together young and up-and-coming Italian choreographers and colleagues from other European countries for a week, focusing on a European country every night. For the night of 4 November the chosen country is Spain, and a debate will take place with Spanish artists and institutions.

The Fundación Romaeuropa is one of the most prestigious institutions of Italy in the promotion and dissemination of contemporary art, theatre, dance and music. Prominent among its activities are the organisation of the Festival Romaeuropa, the project Escribiendo para DNA, and the Encuentros DNA. 


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