Delibes Miguel Delibes Setién, Spanish writer in El Escorial (Madrid, Spain). Fundación Miguel Delibes


#ExpoDelibes | In 2020 takes place the centenary of Miguel Delibes Setién. Acción Cultural Española together with the National Library of Spain organize this exhibition to tribute this great writer and to claim his work and figure.

Miguel Delibes Setién (October 17, 1920 - March 12, 2010), a Spanish novelist, journalist and newspaper editor but also a Professor of Commercial Law, passionate about hunting and the countryside ... and one of the most admired and original voices of Spanish literature of the second half of the 20th century. Therefore, these were common themes in his writing, and he often wrote from the perspective of a city-dweller who had not lost touch with the rural world.

He was one of the leading figures of post-Civil War Spanish literature, winning numerous literary prizes. Several of his works have been adapted into plays or have been turned into films, winning awards at the Cannes Film Festival among others. He has been ranked with Heinrich Böll and Graham Greene as one of the most prominent Catholic writers of the second half of the twentieth century.

→ Listen to the exhibition audios ►
En estos audios José Sacristán pone su voz a varios textos escogidos de las obras fundamentales de Delibes:
→ "Cinco horas con Mario" - Listen ►
→ "El camino" - Listen ►
→ "El hereje" - Listen ►
→ "Las guerras de nuestros antepasados" - Listen ►
→ "Las ratas" - Listen ►
→ "Los santos inocentes" - Listen ►
→ "El príncipe destronado" - Listen ►

More info >
Watch and listen
Presentation of the virtual tour 'Delibes 360 gigapixel'
Presentation of the virtual tour 'Delibes 360 gigapixel'

Trivial about Miguel Delibes

In 2020 the centenary of the birth of Miguel Delibes is celebrated, one of the most admired and original voices in Spanish literature of the second half of the 20th century. How much do you know about the author? Play with us!

360 gigapixel virtual tour of the exhibition 'Delibes'

The most complete exhibition on Delibes, now in 360º gigapixel format, accessible online. The 360º gigapixel virtual tour format allows you to go through it almost “as if you were there” and explore it in millimeter detail thanks to its extremely high resolution.


  • Type: Exhibition catalogue
This catalogue, with abundant photographs of the life and professional career of the author, mostly from the family collection, covers the universe of Miguel Delibes (Valladolid, 1920-2010), not only in his best-known facet, that of a novelist, but also as a journalist, hunter, defender of nature or academic of the language.

Like the exhibition, and in commemoration of the centenary of his birth, this publication presents the great themes around the figure of Miguel Delibes: from Castilla, with its people and rural landscapes very present in the writer's narrative, to his relationship with the Spanish language or its defense of the weak and the oppressed, without forgetting its constant link with the world of theater and cinema.

>El camino del escritor
Jesús Marchamalo
>Castilla en la obra de Miguel Delibes
Amparo Medina-Bocos
>Un cazador que escribe
Germán Delibes de Castro
>Un tipo incómodo
Carlos Aganzo
>La modernidad de Delibes, el último castellano libre
Sergio del Molino
>Miguel Delibes, el enamorado de la lengua
Pedro Álvarez de Miranda
>Delibes y los débiles
Juan Marqués
>Miguel Delibes, venerable venero
Joaquín Araújo
>Lo vivido
Pilar Adón
>Personas, lugares y decires, en Miguel Delibes
José Jiménez Lozano
>El mundo rural
Bernardo Atxaga
>Una vocación de la infelicidad
Gustavo Martín Garzo
>De mis andares con Delibes
Ramón García Domínguez
>Dos mujeres de Delibes
María Tena
Lola Herrera
>Aprendiendo a mirar
José Sacristán
>Regresar a los caminos de Delibes
Aroa Moreno
>Un día en la obra de Miguel Delibes
Luis Mateo Díez
>Obra expuesta




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