Course of Contemporary Spanish Drama. Escuela Nacional de Teatro de Bolivia

Course of Contemporary Spanish Drama. Escuela Nacional de Teatro de Bolivia

The course aims to teach students of the National Theatre School of Bolivia, the most important aspects of Spanish contemporary drama.

AC / E, through its mobility program, assists in supporting the participation of José Sanchis Sinisterra (Valencia, 28 June 1940), the Spanish contemporary playwright best known and studied in Latin America, as well as a theater director. Sanchis also known for his teaching  in the field of theater, will serve students of National School of Drama Bolivia this time.

The course is divided into three phases: a workshop for reading and analysing contemporary Spanish texts, a writing workshop and meeting with the author, and the selection of a text for staging.

The workshop concludes with a short performance which will staged  for two months in 2014 in the popular neighborhoods of Santa Cruz.



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